6 Myths about black & brown skin we must leave behind

6 Myths about black & brown skin we must leave behind

Until this day, there are still many misconceptions about dark skin tones floating around, leading to inadequate care and protection. In this blog post we clear up some common misconceptions and shed light on the truth.


MYTH 1: “People with dark skin don't need sunscreen”

False. Contrary to popular belief, darker skin tones are not immune to the harmful effects of the sun. While melanin provides some natural protection, it's not foolproof. Dark skin can still experience sunburn, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer. To maintain optimal skin health, everyone should prioritize sun safety, including wearing broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF, seeking shade, and wear protective clothing. (Learn more: 'Sun protection for skin of colour: most asked questions answered')

MYTH 2: “People with dark skin rarely get skin cancer”

False. A dangerous misconception is that people with dark skin can’t get skin cancer. Although melanin offers some protection, melanoma, a severe form of skin cancer, can still develop. Moreover, melanoma in dark skin is often diagnosed at a later, more advanced stage, making it possibly more dangerous. Being aware, wearing sun protection, and doing regular skin checks are therefore crucial for all skin tones.

MYTH 3: “People with dark skin can't get advanced beauty treatments”

False. With a qualified and experienced practitioner, advanced treatments like chemical peels, micro-needling, and laser treatments can be safely performed on black skin. Seek professionals who understand the unique needs of dark skin to achieve optimal results.

MYTH 4: “Black & brown skin is thicker than white skin”

False. Contrary to historical beliefs, black skin isn't thicker; it's denser. This density results in more collagen and elastin fibers, making black skin more compact. Understanding these structural differences is key to tailoring skincare routines for different skin tones effectively.

MYTH 5: “All black & brown skin acts the same”

False. Each individual's skin is unique, also among people with black and brown skin. While there are similarities, assuming all skin is the same is incorrect. Recognizing and addressing the diverse characteristics, concerns, and needs is essential for effective skincare.

MYTH 6: “Coconut oil is a great alternative for sunscreen”

False. Coconut oil (or any other natural oil) is not a substitute for sunscreen. Studies have shown inconsistent and insufficient protection against UVB and UVA rays. Again, wearing broad spectrum sunscreen is necessary for everyone in order to protect the skin. (Learn more: 'A quick guide to sunscreen for darker skintones')